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Inflación en EE.UU. Continúa Rompiendo Records

El último reportaje de el U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics informa que la inflación para el mes de junio 2022 alcanzó el 9.1% no ajustado. Esto significa que los precios de bienes y servicios fueron 9.1% más caros en junio 2022 que junio 2021. Es el incremento más alto hasta superando la proporción del mes...

Retos y oportunidades en el mercado de la vivienda

Recientemente, tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar para mi programa de radio, “Pulso Económico” que transmite por WKAQ 580 am, a Rafa Rojo, ex presidente de la Asociación de Constructores de hogares. Dialogamos sobre los retos y las oportunidades que actualmente en el contexto de la subida de tasas de intereses, la posible recesión y los...
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Inflation keeps increasing in Puerto Rico

The consumer price index which calculates inflation, the increase in prices, was 128.66 for the month of May 2022, this is a 6.4% increase compared to May 2021, and a 0.5% increase compared to April 2022.
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Employment Increases Compared to Last Year

Employment for the month of May totaled 1,134,000, a 5.91% increase compared to May 2021, and a -0.4% drop compared to April 2022. Source: Department of Labor Occupations with the largest increase in employment include Professional, Executive and Managerial Occupations, 31.1%, Technicians, Sales and Personnel Support, 26.4%, and Service Occupations, 16.5%.  Employment in agriculture totaled...
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Housing Unit Prices Increase 0.7% since Last Year

In the month of March 2022, there was a total of 1,076 housing units sold, including new and used houses. These houses were only Purchasing and Sale, not refinancing or Commercial. Specifically, there were 993 used housing units sold, and 83 new housing units sold. These housing sales total for March averaged $193,813 per housing...

New Car Unit Sales in May 2022

New car unit sales for May 2022 totaled 10,326. Since May 2021, the amount decreased by 2,360 units (-18.6%). Compared to May 2019, sales are up 16.5%. In the first five months of the year, sales are down -3.5% compared to the same five-month period from last year. Compared to the same period of 2019,...
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