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Blog 4 Columns

U.S. Inflation for April 2023 remains at 5%

Inflation is a measure of the reduction in purchasing power, the price changes measured in inflation not only affects consumers but also...
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Quiebras disminuyen un -6.04% en marzo

El total de quiebras radicadas para el mes de marzo 2023 fueron 389 radicaciones, una disminución de -6.04% comparado a marzo 2022....
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New auto sales for March decreased by -4.1%

New car unit sales for March 2023 totaled 10,732 units, this is a drop of 454 units or -4.1% compared to a...

Purchasing Managers Index Increases to 61.1 in February 2023

The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for the month of February 2023 was 61.1, 21% higher than the previous month of January 2023...
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Del café a la biotecnología

En tiempos de crisis, la historia siempre es una buena herramienta para entender el presente, y poder proyectarnos hacia al futuro. Desde...

Retail Sales Increased 3.8% in January 2023

Retail Sales in January 2023 totaled $2,841.52 million dollars, compared to the same month in the previous year these sales marked a...

Non-Farm Employment Continuing a Positive Trend in February 2023

The Total Non-Farm Employment in Puerto Rico for the month of February 2023 amounted to 941,000 employments, the highest levels of employment...
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Evolución reciente de la banca comercial de la Isla

La semana pasada, en Puerto Rico sentimos la sacudida de la crisis de dos bancos en Estados Unidos, y uno en Europa....
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