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Blog 3 Columns

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Dos guerras a la vez y sus potenciales efectos en Puerto Rico

Un nuevo y sangriento conflicto ha estallado en el medio oriente, otra vez Israel y palestinos se enfrentan en una guerra provocada por los ataques del grupo Hamas del pasado...
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Del Café a la Biotecnología

En tiempos de crisis, la historia siempre es una buena herramienta para entender el presente, y poder proyectarnos hacia al futuro. Desde el siglo 19 al presente, la economía de...
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Empleo crece en julio a un paso desacelerado

El empleo para el mes de julio ascendió a 947,600, un aumento del 2.6% en comparación con julio de 2022. Se trata del aumento más lento desde abril de 2021....

May 2023 Retail Landscape

Retail sales provide us with a snapshot of consumer spending and how the changes in consumer spending affect the different industries in the retail sector. When observing the recent month...

Unveiling Puerto Rico’s Financial Landscape: Exploring Bankruptcy Trends and Economic Resilience

Bankruptcy data holds a treasure trove of insights into Puerto Rico’s intricate financial and economic landscape. Delving into this data not only provides a window into the Island’s fiscal challenges,...

Analysis of Puerto Rico’s Retail Landscape: April 2023 Report

The retail analysis of Puerto Rico’s economic landscape holds paramount importance, as it serves as a crucial indicator of our economy’s expansion. An increase in retail sales signals a robust...

Examining Puerto Rico’s Employment and Salaries

Puerto Rico’s economy is displaying promising signs of growth. When examining the figures for total employment in 2021 and 2022, it shows that these numbers are on the rise. In...

An Evaluation of Employments per Region

According to the Labor Department of Puerto Rico, on average, Puerto Rico has around 900,000 employees per month, indicating a stable employment landscape. From January 2010 to May 2023, there...

Restaurant Industry Continues Positive Trend

Puerto Rico’s restaurant sector has experienced a remarkable evolution in recent years, showing significant improvement in several areas. From the aftermath of the devastating Hurricane Maria in 2017 to the...
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