The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for the month of January 2023 was 50.5, 10.3% lower than the previous month of December 2022 PMI of 56.3 and compared to January 2022 with a PMI of 56 is 9.8% lower. For context the PMI is a measure of the economic course the manufacturing sector experiences where a...Read More
The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for the month of January 2023 was 50.5, 10.3% lower than the previous month of December 2022 PMI of 56.3 and compared to January 2022 with a PMI of 56 is 9.8% lower. For context the PMI is a measure of the economic course the manufacturing sector experiences where a...Read More
On February 2023 auto sales amounted to 9,309 auto units sold, compared to January 2023 value of 9,505 in auto sales was a reduction on auto sales by 2.1% and presents a reduction of 16.3% compared to the February 2022 auto sales of 11,117 units. While the fluctuating behavior of auto sales and its dependence...Read More