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En el mes de octubre de 2023, se vendieron un total de 10,896 unidades de automóviles nuevos en Puerto Rico, mostrando una ligera disminución de aproximadamente el 2.49% en comparación con los 11,174 vehículos vendidos en octubre de 2022 según datos del Grupo Unido de Importadores de Automóviles (GUIA, por sus siglas en español). Al...
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In the month of October 2023, a total of 10,896 new car units were sold in Puerto Rico, showing a slight decrease of about 2.49% from the 11,174 vehicles sold in October 2022 according to data from the United Group of Automobile Importers (GUIA, for its Spanish acronym). When comparing the YTD of 2022 and...
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The automotive industry in Puerto Rico serves as a vital economic indicator, reflecting consumer sentiment and overall economic health. In this article, we will analyze the month-over-month and year-over-year changes in new car sales, focusing on the most recent data available up until June 2023. Additionally, we will discuss the signs of a cooling trend...
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New car unit sales for April 2023 amounted to 10,870 units sold, this being an increase of 37 units sold (0.3%) compared on a year-over-year basis with April 2022. April 2023 new car unit sales are also an increase of 138 units sold (1.3%) in a month-to-month basis with March 2023, the first increase in...
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New car unit sales for April 2023 amounted to 10,870 units sold, this being an increase of 37 units sold (0.3%) compared on a year-over-year basis with April 2022. April 2023 new car unit sales are also an increase of 138 units sold (1.3%) in a month-to-month basis with March 2023, the first increase in...
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New car unit sales for March 2023 totaled 10,732 units, this is a drop of 454 units or -4.1% compared to a year- over-year basis of March 2022. It is an increase of 1,423 or 15.3% compared on a month-to-month basis of February 2023. This is the fifth consecutive month of decreases in sales. Still,...
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New car unit sales for March 2023 totaled 10,732 units, this is a drop of 454 units or -4.1% compared to a year- over-year basis of March 2022. It is an increase of 1,423 or 15.3% compared on a month-to-month basis of February 2023. This is the fifth consecutive month of decreases in sales. Still,...
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On February 2023 auto sales amounted to 9,309 auto units sold, compared to January 2023 value of 9,505 in auto sales was a reduction on auto sales by 2.1% and presents a reduction of 16.3% compared to the February 2022 auto sales of 11,117 units. While the fluctuating behavior of auto sales and its dependence...
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In the month of January 2023, a total of 9,505 new car units were sold in Puerto Rico, an -8.7% decrease when compared to January 2022, according to data from the United Group of Automobile Importers (GUIA, for its Spanish acronym). Car sales have been down for three months and are the lowest for a...
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According to GUIA, new cars sold for the month of November 2022 totaled 9,147 units, a -2.1% decrease compared to November 2021 (9,346 units). This is the eight-month in 2022 with decrease in sales in a year-over-year comparison. Year-to-date sales total 112,522 units, a -4.1% compared to the same period last year (117,336 units). Sales...
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