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Chantal Benet
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Non-farm payroll in Puerto Rico for the month of September in 2021 totaled 862.5 thousand workers. Compared to the previous month of August, non-farm payroll increased by 1.8 thousand, or 0.2%. Compared to September 2020, non-farm payroll increased by 24.6, or 2.9%. When compared to March 2020, the last month before the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects...
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Non-farm payroll in Puerto Rico for the month of September in 2021 totaled 862.5 thousand workers. Compared to the previous month of August, non-farm payroll increased by 1.8 thousand, or 0.2%. Compared to September 2020, non-farm payroll increased by 24.6, or 2.9%. When compared to March 2020, the last month before the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects...
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There were a total of 1,079 housing units sold in Puerto Rico during the month of September 2021. Compared to the previous month of August, there were 13 fewer units sold, or a decrease of 11%. Compared to September 2020, there was a decrease in sales of 109 units, or 9.2%. The total amount in...
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There was a total of 1,079 housing units sold in Puerto Rico during the month of September 2021. Compared to the previous month of August, there were 13 fewer units sold, or a decrease of 11%. Compared to September 2020, there was a decrease in sales of 109 units, or 9.2%. The housing market in...
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The purchasing manager’s index for Puerto Rico for the month of August came in at 53.8. There was a two-point reduction in the index compared to the previous month of July, a 3.6% decrease. Compared to August 2020 however, the index is 5.7 points or 11.9%, higher. The past 4 months have alternated between higher...
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Se logro evitar un cierre del gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos gracias a un acuerdo que logró extender los fondos disponibles para el funcionamiento del gobierno hasta el 3 de diciembre. Esta discusión en el Congreso se debe al limite de deuda del gobierno federal. Este limite es el total que el tesoro federal...
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El Negociado de Energía aprobó un aumento de 3.1% en las tarifas de electricidad en la isla. LUMA Energy había solicitado un aumento de 11.8%, pero el mismo fue rechazado. Este aumento lleva el costo por kilovatio hora de 21.17 centavos a 21.83 centavos. Desde el 2020 cuando se vieron grandes disminuciones en el costo...
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The economic activity index for Puerto Rico for the month of July came in at 119.2. Compared to the previous month of June, there was a 0.3% increase, while compared to July 2020, there was a 5% increase. After several months of increased recovery in 2020, the economic activity index has stagnated in 2021, hovering...
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Durante el mes de julio del 2021, el ingreso neto al fondo general del gobierno de Puerto Rico llego a un total de $801 millones. Comparado con el mes de junio, hubo una disminución de $553 millones, o 40.9%. Comparado con julio del 2020, hubo una disminución de 23.1%. La mayoría de esta disminución se...
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El índice de precios al consumidor en Puerto Rico durante el mes de agosto llegó a un total de 122.48. Comparado con agosto del 2020, hubo un aumento, o tasa de inflación, de 3.3%. Al compararse con el mes anterior, hubo un aumento de 0.4%. Este fue el duodécimo mes consecutivo con un aumento en...
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