En lo que va de 2024, la economía de Estados Unidos ha mostrado un desempeño más fuerte de lo esperado, contrarrestando las preocupaciones de recesión que predominaron en años anteriores. Según Goldman Sachs, se proyecta que el PIB de EE. UU. crezca un 1.8% en términos anuales para finales de 2024. Este crecimiento se apoya en un ingreso disponible real que se espera aumente casi...Read More
According to the new housing prices in Puerto Rico throughout 2023 compared to 2022. This trend can be attributed to several factors within the island’s economic landscape. The post-pandemic recovery is fueling demand for housing, potentially due to increased remote work opportunities.Additionally, tax incentives for developers might stimulate new construction, although it may not significantly increase overall supply. Limited existing housing inventory further restricts available...Read More
The Puerto Rico Economic Development Bank (EDB) and the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida (PRCCCF) have embarked on a strategic partnership aimed at fostering economic growth and business expansion for Puerto Rican entrepreneurs. This collaboration signifies a robust effort to support small and medium-sized businesses from Central Florida with aspirations to establish or extend their operations to Puerto Rico.Objectives and ImpactThe primary...Read More
Overall, used housing prices in 2022 were higher than 2023 in five out of twelve months. However, it’s important to consider that the difference in price between the two years is relatively small for most months.Here are some additional observations:May 2022 vs. May 2023: This is the month with the most significant difference in price between the two years. Existing housing prices in May 2023 were...Read More
Puerto Rico’s economy showed signs of positive growth in fiscal year 2023, as indicated by a 0.7% increase in the Gross National Product (GNP) at constant prices when compared to fiscal year 2022. This growth is a significant indicator of the island’s economic health and resilience, especially considering the various challenges it has faced in recent years. Julio Lassús, the president of the Planning Board...Read More