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The new car units sold total in Puerto Rico reached 10,516 in June 2022, that is 190 more cars (1.84%) than the previous month of May. This comes after a fall of -4.68% less cars sold from April to May. Compared to the same month in the previous year, June 2021, there was a -9.63% decrease of sales in June 2022. When compared to June...
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The latest report released by The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that inflation in the month of June 2022 is up to 9.1% before seasonal adjustment. Meaning that goods and services were 9.1% more expensive in June 2022 than in June 2021. This is the largest over the year increase even surpassing the record breaking rate of March 2022 of 8.5%. Over the month...
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El último reportaje de el U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics informa que la inflación para el mes de junio 2022 alcanzó el 9.1% no ajustado. Esto significa que los precios de bienes y servicios fueron 9.1% más caros en junio 2022 que junio 2021. Es el incremento más alto hasta superando la proporción del mes de marzo 2022 de 8.5% Comparado al mes anterior de...
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The latest report released by The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that inflation in the month of June 2022 is up to 9.1% before seasonal adjustment. Meaning that goods and services were 9.1% more expensive in June 2022 than in June 2021. This is the largest over the year increase even surpassing the record breaking rate of March 2022 of 8.5%. Over the month...
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Recientemente, tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar para mi programa de radio, “Pulso Económico” que transmite por WKAQ 580 am, a Rafa Rojo, ex presidente de la Asociación de Constructores de hogares. Dialogamos sobre los retos y las oportunidades que actualmente en el contexto de la subida de tasas de intereses, la posible recesión y los altos costos de los materiales de construcción. En paralelo, existe...
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