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There were a total of 276 bankruptcy filings in Puerto Rico during the month of November. Of these, 106 were chapter 7, 169 were chapter 13, and 1 was chapter 11. Compared to 2020, chapter 7 filings were down by 23.7%, chapter 13 filings were down by 7%, and chapter 11 filings were down by 50%. Filings for the year to date have reached a...
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This week, the Labor Department published the Consumer Price Index and prices for U.S. consumers jumped 6.2% in October compared with a year earlier, leaving families facing their highest inflation rate since 1990. The year-over-year increase in the consumer price index exceeded the 5.4% rise in September.
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Los fondos para la promoción turística de la Ley del Plan de Recate Americano (ARPA, por sus siglas en inglés) permitirán que, por dos años, Puerto Rico cuente con un presupuesto para el mercadeo turístico en el exterior similar a lo que invierten algunos de los principales destinos que compiten con la Isla, como la República Dominicana, Costa Rica y Jamaica.
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There were a total of 1,079 housing units sold in Puerto Rico during the month of September 2021. Compared to the previous month of August, there were 13 fewer units sold, or a decrease of 11%. Compared to September 2020, there was a decrease in sales of 109 units, or 9.2%. There were a total of 95 new housing units sold in September. Compared to...
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The following is a press release from the FOMB outlining their acceptance of the new Plan of Adjustment. La Junta de Supervisión y Administración Financiera para Puerto Rico anunció hoy su disposición para continuar con el proceso de confirmación del Plan deAjuste con el fin de reducir la deuda del Gobierno en un 80% y hacer posible que Puerto Rico pase lapágina de la quiebra.La...
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