Retail sales in Puerto Rico reached $2,964 million during July 2021, a $347.2 million or 11.7% increase when compared to July 2020. This year-over-year increase was mainly driven by a $114.2 million or 10.3% increase in sales for department stores, a $85.5 million or 23.9% increase in sales for New and Used Motor Vehicles, and a $67.1 million or 19.2% increase in sales for Supermarkets...Read More
The purchasing manager’s index for Puerto Rico for the month of August came in at 53.8. There was a two-point reduction in the index compared to the previous month of July, a 3.6% decrease. Compared to August 2020 however, the index is 5.7 points or 11.9%, higher. The past 4 months have alternated between higher and lower scores in the index, which would indicate a...Read More
Se logro evitar un cierre del gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos gracias a un acuerdo que logró extender los fondos disponibles para el funcionamiento del gobierno hasta el 3 de diciembre. Esta discusión en el Congreso se debe al limite de deuda del gobierno federal. Este limite es el total que el tesoro federal esta autorizado a tomar en prestamos para mantener el funcionamiento...Read More
El Negociado de Energía aprobó un aumento de 3.1% en las tarifas de electricidad en la isla. LUMA Energy había solicitado un aumento de 11.8%, pero el mismo fue rechazado. Este aumento lleva el costo por kilovatio hora de 21.17 centavos a 21.83 centavos. Desde el 2020 cuando se vieron grandes disminuciones en el costo de la energía debido a la pandemia, el mismo ha...Read More
The economic activity index for Puerto Rico for the month of July came in at 119.2. Compared to the previous month of June, there was a 0.3% increase, while compared to July 2020, there was a 5% increase. After several months of increased recovery in 2020, the economic activity index has stagnated in 2021, hovering between 118.8 and 119.4. Compared to the average for 2019,...Read More