Recent months have been the most off-centered and unprecedented the industry has experienced. There has been no other way to surpass the new challenges than to innovate and adapt. Factors that take a toll on the sector globally besides the pandemic are a chip shortage, the lack of inventory, increased costs in used cars, problems at shipping ports, and others. The industry is transcending to change the paradigm of the automotive industry to one that is more environmentally oriented. It’s necessary to adapt to the new conditions of the fast-changing world and make it safer, more efficient and sustainable.
American manufacturers produce approximately 10 million units annually, which decreased to 8.8 million in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions. Industry trends that will have a large impact include the transition towards electric vehicles, increased demand in India and China, and increasing automation in vehicle production. As the COVID pandemic has shown, the car production supply chain is highly globalized and dependent on economies throughout the world. Our clients have the latest information to let them follow industry trends closely.
We work closely with auto dealerships and auto-part suppliers to provide our customers with the most up-to-date information regarding the industry in the United States, Latin America, Puerto Rico, and the world.
Total new car unit sales per make and model
Total retail sales of motor vehicles new and used units
Total car loans in commercial banks and credit unions