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December 14, 2022
e-commerce, online commerce, online store-3692440.jpg
Sales registered for September 2022 amounted to $2,828.3 million dollars, which represents a decrease of 3.6%, if we compare it with the same month in 2021. When compared to the previous month, this is a -14.1% decrease from August 2022. The groups with the highest reported increases were: Fuel distributors (+45.3%); Supermarkets and alcoholic beverage...
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e-commerce, online commerce, online store-3692440.jpg
Las ventas registradas para septiembre de 2022 ascendieron a $2,828.3 millones de dólares, lo que representa un descenso de 3.6%, si lo comparamos con el mismo mes en el 2021. Comparado al mes anterior de agosto 2022, representa una caída de -14.1%. Los grupos con las mayores alzas reportadas fueron: Distribuidores de combustible (+45.3%); Supermercados...
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According to BoletinPR, bankruptcies for the month of November 2022 totaled 306 filings, a 10.9% increase compared to November 2021. In context, while the 10.9% increase is a lot, the number of filings (306) is the second lowest since 2012. This means that for the month of November, bankruptcy filings have declined in 2021 and...
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bank notes, dollar, us dollars-941246.jpg
According to BoletinPR, bankruptcies for the month of November 2022 totaled 306 filings, a 10.9% increase compared to November 2021. In context, while the 10.9% increase is a lot, the number of filings (306) is the second lowest since 2012. This means that for the month of November, bankruptcy filings have declined in 2021 and...
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