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¿Habrá recesión en Puerto Rico?

Desde la reapertura gradual de la economía a mediados del 2020, hasta diciembre del 2022, mes tras mes, casi todas las industrias tuvieron crecimientos históricos comportamiento y atípicos tomando en cuenta el efecto acumulado sobre Puerto Rico de la quiebra del gobierno, los huracanes, los terremotos y la pandemia del Covid-19. Los indicadores hablan solos,...

Coincident Manufacturing Index continues to rise

The Coincident Manufacturing Index (CMI) for December 2022 was 114.2 (2016 = 100). Compared to the previous month of November 2022’s 113.9 CMI value, the activity within the sector for December 2022 has increased by 0.3%. When compared with the same month of the previous year of December 2021 that had a CMI of 107.6,...

Retail Sales up by 11.3% December 2022

Sales for December 2022 amounted to $3,736.12 million dollars, this was an increase of 11.3% on a year-to-year basis from December 2021 that produced $3,357.7 million dollars in sales. Compared to the previous month of November 2022 with $3,168.6 million dollars in sales, December 2022 represented a 17.9% increase in sales month-to-month. As for the...
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The Economic Activity Index closes 2022 with a 1.8% increase

The Economic Activity Index (EAI) registered a -0.6% decrease in October 2022, a -1.0% decrease in November 2022 and a 0.6% increase in December 2022 when com- pared to the same month in 2021. As for the sub-indexes: • Total non-farm payroll employment averaged 928,800 jobs in December; which represents an increase of 0.2% in...
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La planificación financiera al alcance de todos

No es muy complicado entender y aplicar el concepto de planificación financiera en nuestro proceso de fortalecer nuestras finanzas personales y prepararnos para el retiro. Lamentablemente, el concepto parece intimidar a muchas personas y por ende una gran cantidad de ciudadanos no adoptan una planificación financiera, lo que tiene consecuencias económicas a largo plazo. Los...
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Puerto Rico Manufacturing PMI Increased to 56.3 in December

In a supplemental survey of manufacturing establishments, the biggest challenges faced by companies during the past month were: in operations (shortage of raw material 20%, lead times 13%, costs 13%, supply chain logistics 13%, holiday disruptions 13%, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment 7%), human resources (employment 40%, absenteeism 13%, Covid 13%) and utilities...
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