Inflation in the D.R. has been below the 4.0% target since December 2023 and seems to have stabilized around 3.35% during 2024, standing 3.29% in September. Similarly, the US inflation also seems to have steadied its downward trend from a...Read More
At the monetary policy committee meeting for end-October 2024 the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (BCRD) decided to lower the monetary policy rate from 6.50% to 6.25%. This follows the 50-basis point reduction in the federal funds rate by...Read More
En octubre de 2024, las ventas de autos en Puerto Rico mostraron un incremento respecto al mes anterior, rompiendo una tendencia de disminución sostenida desde el pico alcanzado en junio.En dicho mes, las ventas de automóviles en Puerto Rico alcanzaron...Read More
Dominican Republic remains on track for the projected arrival of 11.5 million tourists during the year 2024, posting a historic high for the January-September of 8’362’285 tourists already by the end of the ninth month of the year. Of this...Read More
En septiembre de 2024, el Índice de Gerentes de Compras de Manufactura (PMI) de Puerto Rico alcanzó un valor de 52.5, superando el umbral de 50 y sugiriendo una expansión en el sector manufacturero respecto al mes anterior. Este índice,...Read More