There were 883 total housing units sold in Puerto Rico during the month of February 2022. Compared to February 2021, sales were down by 263 units, or 22.9%. Compared to January 2022, sales decreased by 153 units, or 14.8%. Out of these sales, 73 were new housing units and the rest, 810, were used housing units. The average price of a housing unit sold during...Read More
Non-farm payroll in Puerto Rico for the month of March 2022 reached a total of 908,200 workers. Compared to the previous month of February, this total went up by 2,000, or 0.2%. Compared to March 2021, there was an increase of 47,200, or 5.5%. Compared to March 2020, before the initial COVID lockdown took place, there was an increase of 20,700, or 2.3%. Employment (thousands)March...Read More
Non-farm payroll in Puerto Rico for the month of March 2022 reached a total of 908,200 workers. Compared to the previous month of February, this total went up by 2,000, or 0.2%. Compared to March 2021, there was an increase of 47,200, or 5.5%. Compared to March 2020, before the first COVID lockdown took place, there was an increase of 20,700, or 2.3%. Employment (thousands)March...Read More
Según los últimos datos publicados por la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales de Estados Unidos, la inflación en marzo alcanzó el 8.5%. Esto significa que, en promedio, los bienes y servicios eran un 8.5% más caros en marzo de 2022 que en marzo de 2021. Para decirlo claramente, $ 1 en dólares de marzo de 2022 le comprará la misma cantidad de bienes que $ 0.92...Read More
According to the latest data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, inflation in March reached 8.5%. This means that on average goods and services were 8.5% more expensive on March 2022 than on March 2021. To put it plainly, $1 in March 2022 dollars will buy you the same amount of goods that $0.92 would get you one year ago. This is the...Read More