According to the latest data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, inflation in March reached 8.5%. This means that on average goods and services were 8.5% more expensive on March 2022 than on March 2021. To put it plainly, $1 in March 2022 dollars will buy you the same amount of goods that $0.92 would get you one year ago. This is the...Read More
The economic activity index is an economic model calculated monthly by the Economic Development Bank of Puerto Rico. It uses four important macroeconomic indicators to create a model that closely estimates the island’s GDP. Change in this index is highly indicative of a change in the island’s economic output. The index reached 124.6 for the month of February 2022. Compared to January, this is a...Read More
The economic activity index is an economic model calculated monthly by the Economic Development Bank of Puerto Rico. It uses four important macroeconomic indicators to create a model that closely estimates the island’s GDP. An increase of a decrease in this index is highly indicative of a change in the island’s economic output. The index reached 124.6 for the month of February 2022. Compared to...Read More
The PMI for February came in at 57.9. Compared to the previous month of January, this is an increase of 1.9, or 3.4%. Compared to February 2021, this is a decrease of 4.9, or 7.8%. The Omicron outbreak in December caused a large decrease in the index. As such, this is the second consecutive month with an increase in the index. The index is currently...Read More
The Purchasing Manager’s Index for Puerto Rico for the month of February was recently released. This index is based on a survey of manufacturing facilities manager’s and is used as a main indicator for the current state of manufacturing on the island. A score above 50 in a category indicates positive performance. The PMI for February came in at 57.9. Compared to the previous month...Read More