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According to the latest data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, inflation in March reached 8.5%.  This means that on average goods and services were 8.5% more expensive on March 2022 than on March 2021.  To put it plainly, $1 in March 2022 dollars will buy you the same amount of goods that $0.92 would get you one year ago.  This is the...
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The economic activity index is an economic model calculated monthly by the Economic Development Bank of Puerto Rico. It uses four important macroeconomic indicators to create a model that closely estimates the island’s GDP. Change in this index is highly indicative of a change in the island’s economic output. The index reached 124.6 for the month of February 2022. Compared to January, this is a...
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The economic activity index is an economic model calculated monthly by the Economic Development Bank of Puerto Rico. It uses four important macroeconomic indicators to create a model that closely estimates the island’s GDP. An increase of a decrease in this index is highly indicative of a change in the island’s economic output. The index reached 124.6 for the month of February 2022. Compared to...
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The PMI for February came in at 57.9. Compared to the previous month of January, this is an increase of 1.9, or 3.4%. Compared to February 2021, this is a decrease of 4.9, or 7.8%. The Omicron outbreak in December caused a large decrease in the index. As such, this is the second consecutive month with an increase in the index. The index is currently...
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The Purchasing Manager’s Index for Puerto Rico for the month of February was recently released. This index is based on a survey of manufacturing facilities manager’s and is used as a main indicator for the current state of manufacturing on the island. A score above 50 in a category indicates positive performance. The PMI for February came in at 57.9. Compared to the previous month...
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