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Intelligent Economics recently released a report detailing notable labor market tendencies in 2021, the findings are summarized below: Monthly employment and labor force averages bounced back to their pre-pandemic levels in 2021Full-time employment grew by 93,000 or 14.1% when compared to 2021Full-time employment increased when compared to 2019 while part-time employment decreasedThere is no evidence that one is driving the otherIn December 2021 the average...
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El COVID-19 ha tenido el efecto de acelerar profundos cambios económicos y sociales que a penas comenzamos a entender. Por ejemplo, uno de estos cambios, es la intensificación del comercio digital como opción de consumo para millones de personas, incluyendo a Puerto Rico. Gigantes de esta industria liderados por Amazon, ya han puesto su mira sobre el mercado local, lo que afectará a miles de...
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El conflicto militar en Ucrania, desatado mediante la invasión rusa el 24 de febrero tiene fuertes efectos sobre la economía local y la economía global. En primera instancia, ocurre en un momento en el cuál la economía mundial no ha logrado normalizarse luego del impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19.  Previo a la pandemia, las proyecciones del Banco Mundial era que la economía creciera un...
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Retail sales in the United States reached a seasonally adjusted total of $649 billion in January 2022. Compared to January 2021, there was an increase in sales of 13%. Amongst the major retail categories, the largest year over year increases were seen in gas stations (33.4%), food service and drinking places (27%), and clothing stores (21.9%). Non-store retailers, online shopping, saw an increase of 8.4%...
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Cements sales reached 1.06 million 94-lbs bags in January 2022, a 11.5% decrease when compared to January 2021. Furthermore, when compared to December 2021, sales decreased 7.4%.  Additionally, January 2022 saw the lowest number of sales since April 2020 . Despite this, cement sales have stayed at about the same level when compared to January 2019. Similarly, cement production has also decreased.  In January 2022...
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