The economic activity index for Puerto Rico for the month of July came in at 119.2. Compared to the previous month of June, there was a 0.3% increase, while compared to July 2020, there was a 5% increase. After several months of increased recovery in 2020, the economic activity index has stagnated in 2021, hovering between...Read More
Durante el mes de julio del 2021, el ingreso neto al fondo general del gobierno de Puerto Rico llego a un total de $801 millones. Comparado con el mes de junio, hubo una disminución de $553 millones, o 40.9%. Comparado con julio del 2020, hubo una disminución de 23.1%. La mayoría de esta disminución se puede...Read More
El índice de precios al consumidor en Puerto Rico durante el mes de agosto llegó a un total de 122.48. Comparado con agosto del 2020, hubo un aumento, o tasa de inflación, de 3.3%. Al compararse con el mes anterior, hubo un aumento de 0.4%. Este fue el duodécimo mes consecutivo con un aumento en el...Read More
During the month of July 2021, gross General Fund revenue in Puerto Rico reached a total of $801 million. Compared to the previous month of June, there was a decrease in revenue of $553 million, or 40.9%. Compared to July 2021, there was a decrease in revenue of 23.1%. Most of this decrease in revenue compared...Read More
Inflation August 2021 The consumer price index for the month of August in Puerto Rico was 122.48. Compared to August 2020, the consumer price index had a 3.3% increase. Compared to the previous month of July, there was a 0.4% increase. This was the 12th consecutive month with an increase in the index. Recent supply chain...Read More