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The economic activity index for Puerto Rico for the month of July came in at 119.2. Compared to the previous month of June, there was a 0.3% increase, while compared to July 2020, there was a 5% increase. After several months of increased recovery in 2020, the economic activity index has stagnated in 2021, hovering between...
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Durante el mes de julio del 2021, el ingreso neto al fondo general del gobierno de Puerto Rico llego a un total de $801 millones. Comparado con el mes de junio, hubo una disminución de $553 millones, o 40.9%. Comparado con julio del 2020, hubo una disminución de 23.1%. La mayoría de esta disminución se puede...
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El índice de precios al consumidor en Puerto Rico durante el mes de agosto llegó a un total de 122.48. Comparado con agosto del 2020, hubo un aumento, o tasa de inflación, de 3.3%. Al compararse con el mes anterior, hubo un aumento de 0.4%. Este fue el duodécimo mes consecutivo con un aumento en el...
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During the month of July 2021, gross General Fund revenue in Puerto Rico reached a total of $801 million. Compared to the previous month of June, there was a decrease in revenue of $553 million, or 40.9%. Compared to July 2021, there was a decrease in revenue of 23.1%. Most of this decrease in revenue compared...
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Inflation August 2021 The consumer price index for the month of August in Puerto Rico was 122.48. Compared to August 2020, the consumer price index had a 3.3% increase. Compared to the previous month of July, there was a 0.4% increase. This was the 12th consecutive month with an increase in the index. Recent supply chain...
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