The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for the month of January 2023 was 50.5, 10.3% lower than the previous month of December 2022 PMI of 56.3 and compared to January 2022 with a PMI of 56 is 9.8% lower. For context the PMI is a measure of the economic course the manufacturing sector experiences where a...Read More
On February 2023 auto sales amounted to 9,309 auto units sold, compared to January 2023 value of 9,505 in auto sales was a reduction on auto sales by 2.1% and presents a reduction of 16.3% compared to the February 2022 auto sales of 11,117 units. While the fluctuating behavior of auto sales and its dependence...Read More
Desde la reapertura gradual de la economía a mediados del 2020, hasta diciembre del 2022, mes tras mes, casi todas las industrias tuvieron crecimientos históricos comportamiento y atípicos tomando en cuenta el efecto acumulado sobre Puerto Rico de la quiebra del gobierno, los huracanes, los terremotos y la pandemia del Covid-19. Los indicadores hablan solos,...Read More
The Coincident Manufacturing Index (CMI) for December 2022 was 114.2 (2016 = 100). Compared to the previous month of November 2022’s 113.9 CMI value, the activity within the sector for December 2022 has increased by 0.3%. When compared with the same month of the previous year of December 2021 that had a CMI of 107.6,...Read More
Sales for December 2022 amounted to $3,736.12 million dollars, this was an increase of 11.3% on a year-to-year basis from December 2021 that produced $3,357.7 million dollars in sales. Compared to the previous month of November 2022 with $3,168.6 million dollars in sales, December 2022 represented a 17.9% increase in sales month-to-month. As for the...Read More
The Economic Activity Index (EAI) registered a -0.6% decrease in October 2022, a -1.0% decrease in November 2022 and a 0.6% increase in December 2022 when com- pared to the same month in 2021. As for the sub-indexes: • Total non-farm payroll employment averaged 928,800 jobs in December; which represents an increase of 0.2% in...Read More
No es muy complicado entender y aplicar el concepto de planificación financiera en nuestro proceso de fortalecer nuestras finanzas personales y prepararnos para el retiro. Lamentablemente, el concepto parece intimidar a muchas personas y por ende una gran cantidad de ciudadanos no adoptan una planificación financiera, lo que tiene consecuencias económicas a largo plazo. Los...Read More
In a supplemental survey of manufacturing establishments, the biggest challenges faced by companies during the past month were: in operations (shortage of raw material 20%, lead times 13%, costs 13%, supply chain logistics 13%, holiday disruptions 13%, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment 7%), human resources (employment 40%, absenteeism 13%, Covid 13%) and utilities...Read More
La tasa de inflación de diciembre de 2022 mostró un aumento significativo de 6.0% en comparación con el mismo período del año anterior. Al mirar a lo largo del tiempo, la tasa de inflación en la Isla parece estar desacelerándose, lo que puede sugerir que volverá a niveles normales en el futuro próximo. Este aumento...Read More
The inflation rate for December 2022 showed a significant increase of 6.0% compared to the same period in the previous year. When looking over time, The inflation rate on the Island seems to be slowing down, which may suggest that it will return to normal levels in the coming future.Read More