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Entre el 2022 y 2023, los precios en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico experimentaron los aumentos más altos desde la década del 1980. Las masivas inyecciones monetarias habilitadas por el gobierno federal para mitigar los efectos de la pandemia del Covid-19 generó fuertes presiones inflacionarias que llevaron a la Reserva Federal a subir los intereses...
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A pesar del dinamismo que aun exhibe la economía hasta julio, según las lecturas más recientes del Índice de Actividad Económica (IAE), el panorama para los próximos meses parece incierto. El IAE exhibe los niveles mas altos alcanzados de noviembre del 2016, y el empleo se encuentra a niveles históricamente altos, con 911,000 personas empleadas,...
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Total employment for Puerto Rico in July 2022 reached 1,090,000,000. This in comparison to July 2021’s total employment, shows an increment of 36,000 or 3.42%. However, when compared to June 2022’s total employment, which was at 1,108,000, a decrease of 18,000 or 1.63%. The current participation rate is at 42.2%. This has been gradually decreasing...
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Export in Puerto Rico totaled $6billion for the month of June 2022, which implies an increase of $1.1billion or 23% when compared to exports reported for June 2021. Imports also show an increase when compared to figures reported on the previous year, totaling $4.6billion for June 2022. This shows a $230million or a 5% increase...
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The Economic Activity Index (EAI) for the month of June stood at 124.3 in June, a 2.3% increase compared to the same month last year, according to data from the Economic Development Bank (BDE, for its Spanish acronym). However, the Index level in June is the lowest in seven months.When compared to the month of...
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US Retail Sales for July totaled $682.82 billion, a 10.3% increase compared to July 2021, but remain flat (0%) compared to June 2022 which totaled $682.56 billion. Excluding autos and auto parts, retail sales rose 0.4% in July. Lower gas prices likely freed up money for people to spend elsewhere. Gasoline sales slid 1.8%, reflecting...
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Cement Sales reported for July 2022 by Puerto Rico’s Bank of Economic Development reached a total 1,116.2 pounds. This represents a decrease of 207.4 or 15.7% in pounds sold for July 2021. Production on the other hand portrayed an increase of 129.9 piunds. or 21.3%, reaching a total of 738.8 pounds. However, when compared to...
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Cement Sales reported for July 2022 by Puerto Rico’s Bank of Economic Development reached a total 1,116.2 pounds. This represents a decrease of 207.4 or 15.7% in pounds sold for July 2021. Production on the other hand portrayed an increase of 129.9 piunds. or 21.3%, reaching a total of 738.8 pounds. However, when compared to...
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