Sales registered for September 2022 amounted to $2,828.3 million dollars, which represents a decrease of 3.6%, if we compare it with the same month in 2021. When compared to the previous month, this is a -14.1% decrease from August 2022.

The groups with the highest reported increases were: Fuel distributors (+45.3%); Supermarkets and alcoholic beverage stores (+11.4%); Restaurants and places of alcoholic beverages (+8.1%); Specialty food stores (+7.4%); and Gas stations and convenience stores (+7.2%). The groups that experienced the largest reductions during September 2022 were: Yard and garden equipment (-44.8%); Shoe stores (-40.8%); Sports, musical instruments, and entertainment stores (-37.5%); dealers of new and used motor vehicles (-30.3%); and Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores (-25.7%).
Retail Sales of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) during September 2022 reached $849.0 million, which decreased by 5.3% at an annual rate. Small business sales experienced a 9.8% decline, as well as Medium business sales registered a 4.4% drop. Sales of Large Non-Chain establishments decreased by 4.1%, as did the sales of Large Chains, which fell by 2.6% in September 2022.

The accumulated value of Retail Sales during the nine (9) months of the current calendar year 2022 (January-September), presents an increase of 0.4%, compared to the same period of the previous calendar year of 2021. During the present period of year 2022, these have reached the figure of $27,368.6 million.
The groups with the highest increases reported during the current period of fiscal year 2022 were: Fuel distributors (+34.8%); Gas stations and convenience stores (+16.8%); Restaurants and places of alcoholic beverages (+12.1%); Supermarket and alcoholic beverage stores (+6.6%%); and Special Food Stores (+5.1%).

The following types of stores experienced the most significant reductions during this calendar period: Sports, musical instruments and entertainment stores (-17.5%); Shoe stores (-15.2%); Cosmetics, beauty products and perfumes stores (-12.5%); Electronics stores (-12.1%) and Furniture stores (-11.8%).
Accumulated sales of SMEs during this period of the 2022 calendar year increased by 0.5%, when compared to the same period of the previous calendar year. Small businesses experienced an increase of 0.9%, while Medium businesses experienced an increase of 0.4%. Large Non-Chain companies increased 7.7%, while Large Chains reflected a drop of 1.3% in the current accumulated period of 2022.