Sales for December 2022 amounted to $3,736.12 million dollars, this was an increase of 11.3% on a year-to-year basis from December 2021 that produced $3,357.7 million dollars in sales. Compared to the previous month of November 2022 with $3,168.6 million dollars in sales, December 2022 represented a 17.9% increase in sales month-to-month.

For the December 2022 the five sectors reporting the biggest increases in sales year-to-year were: Hardware and Home Improvement (43.9%), Restaurants and Alcoholic Beverage Places (17.9%), Department Stores (17.5%), Auto Part Stores (16.9%), and Beauty stores (15.2%)
As for reductions only three sectors experienced reductions in sales year-to-year for December 2022, those being: Footwear Stores (-8.7%), Fuel Distributors (-5.7%), and Sporting Goods, Musical Instruments, and Entertainment (-2.1%).
By size of retail store Non-Chain Large Size Store retail sales with $618.9 million dollars had the largest increase year-to-year in December 2022 of 44.9%, meanwhile for the same period Small Size Stores retail sales experienced the largest and only reduction of -12.1% with its $163.8 million dollars in sales. As for PyMEs (small and medium sized stores) they produced a total of $940.2 million dollars in sales for December 2022, compared to December 2021’s retail sales of $935.7 million dollars this is a 0.5% increase.
The 2022 calendar year produced an accumulated value in sales of $37,430.5 million dollars. Compared to the previous 2021 calendar year of $36,777.6 million dollars in accumulated sales, the 2022 calendar year had a 1.8% increase in sales.
For the 2022 calendar year the five sectors with the largest increase in year-to-year sales were: Fuel Distributors (24.7%), Gas Stations and Convenience Stores (13.2%), Restaurants and Alcoholic Beverage Places (12.9%), Supermarkets and Alcoholic Beverage Stores (7.6%), and Specialty Food Stores (5.3%).
Conversely, the five sectors with the largest reduction in year-to-year sales for the 2022 calendar year were: Sporting Goods, Musical Instruments, and Entertainment (-14.4%), Footwear Stores (-10.6%), Electronic Articles Stores (-10.5%), New and Used Motor Vehicles (-8.8%), and Furniture Stores (-7.9%).
By size of retail store, the largest year-to-year increase for the 2022 calendar year accumulates sales was Non-Chain Large Size Store retail sales of 9.8% with $5,433.6 million dollars in sales. The largest reduction in sales by retail store size, and again the only reduction, was -1.1% by the Small Size Stores with $ 1,547.3 million dollars in sales for the 2022 calendar year. PyMEs for the 2022 calendar year produced $10,659.4 million dollars in accumulated sales, compared to the $10,547.9 million dollars in accumulated sales for the 2021 calendar year this was a 1.1% increase.