Cada cuatrienio se lleva a cabo la competencia más importante del fútbol, “La Copa Mundial”. El país anfitrión este año, Qatar, ha invertido sobre $220 billones en el evento. Esto es casi 60 veces más de lo que costo para el mundial en el año 2010 celebrado en Sudáfrica ($3.5 billones). A pesar de la emoción que...Read More
Sales registered for September 2022 amounted to $2,828.3 million dollars, which represents a decrease of 3.6%, if we compare it with the same month in 2021. When compared to the previous month, this is a -14.1% decrease from August 2022. The groups with the highest reported increases were: Fuel distributors (+45.3%); Supermarkets and alcoholic beverage...Read More
According to BoletinPR, bankruptcies for the month of November 2022 totaled 306 filings, a 10.9% increase compared to November 2021. In context, while the 10.9% increase is a lot, the number of filings (306) is the second lowest since 2012. This means that for the month of November, bankruptcy filings have declined in 2021 and...Read More
According to GUIA, new cars sold for the month of November 2022 totaled 9,147 units, a -2.1% decrease compared to November 2021 (9,346 units). This is the eight-month in 2022 with a decrease in sales in a year-over-year comparison. Year-to-date sales total 112,522 units, a -4.1% compared to the same period last year (117,336 units)....Read More
During these times the prices of goods and services have seen a substantial hike over the past months not only in the United States, but also in Puerto Rico. However, inflationary phenomenon only describes the prices of the item’s consumers buy but does not tell if these economic effects take a toll in their cost...Read More
New car sales in Puerto Rico for the month of October 2022 totaled 11,174 units. This represents a 20.4% increase in market sales when compared to October 2021 (9,281 units). This also represents a 38.3% increase compared to September 2022 (8,076 units). This is the second month of the year with the largest number of...Read More
Every month, the Economic Development Bank (EDB) releases a brief report on Puerto Rico’s Economic Activity Index (EAI). Such report reveals that the index for September of this year was at 122.6, a decrease of 0.8% when compared to September of 2021. When compared by the same month during the prime of the Covid 19...Read More
Puerto Rico’s Economic Activity Index (EAI) was recently published by The Economic Development Bank (EDB). Said report showed that the index for August 2022 was at 124.3, which compared to August 2021, shows a 1.5% increase. When compared to July 2022’s Economic Activity Index however, August shows an increase of 0.1%. The Economic Activity...Read More
Inflation in the United States decreased yet again its year-over-year price inflation index. Prices during the month of September 2022 saw an inflation rate of 8.2%. This, in comparison to August 2022’s inflation rate, represents a minor increase, given how inflation for that month reached 8.3%. September’s inflation rates represent the third fall in consumer...Read More
New car sales in Puerto Rico for the month of September 2022 totaled 8,076 units. This represents a 15.61% or 1,494unit decrease in market sales when compared to September 2021’s total units sold. When compared to August 2022’s total units sold the difference accounted for 19.49% or 1,955 fewer units sold. Seeing as how the...Read More