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In the month of March 2022, there was a total of 1,076 housing units sold, including new and used houses. These houses were only Purchasing and Sale, not refinancing or Commercial. Specifically, there were 993 used housing units sold, and 83 new housing units sold. These housing sales total for March averaged $193,813 per housing unit. Used housing had an average price of $188,255 and...
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New car unit sales for May 2022 totaled 10,326. Since May 2021, the amount decreased by 2,360 units (-18.6%). Compared to May 2019, sales are up 16.5%. In the first five months of the year, sales are down -3.5% compared to the same five-month period from last year. Compared to the same period of 2019, sales are up 30.1%, according to Grupo Unido de Importadores...
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New car unit sales for May 2022 totaled 10,326. Since May 2021, the amount decreased by 2,360 units (-18.6%). Compared to May 2019, sales are up 16.5%. In the first five months of the year, sales are down -3.5% compared to the same five-month period from last year. Compared to the same period of 2019, sales are up 30.1%, according to Grupo Unido de Importadores...
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The number of new unemployment insurance claims because of unemployment in the week of May 7-14 reached 1,157 claims; a 5% increase from the previous week. The total number of unemployment insurance claims that week was 13,190, including initial and continued claims. The total amount of claims had an increase of 3.94% when compared to the previous week.  When comparing the data to the same...
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The number of new unemployment insurance claims because of unemployment in the week of May 7-14 reached 1,157 claims; a 5% increase from the previous week. The total number of unemployment insurance claims that week was 13,190, including initial and continued claims. The total amount of claims had an increase of 3.94% when compared to the previous week.  When comparing the data to the same...
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